Djembe Buying : Choose your Djembe Drum Class
We have divided our Djembe offer into six different value categories.
Our quality demand for each class is explaned under Quality.
The more stars, the finer the quality of material, workmanship and
sound. Please visite our Djembe Buying Guide on our page Djembe Buying to benefit from
all the information we provide for you. For Djembe beginners it is also recommended to start with a good
instrument. Because the drumming technique is much more easily and
rapidly acquired and mastered. A good sounding Djembe naturally provides much greater
satisfaction and pleasure to players and listeners. Therefore it pays to select a quality Djembe.
All displayed drums are available and can be shipped within 24 hrs. The
following pages are multilingual. On the left hand side you find the
main item photo. Above it the name of the item, the country of origin
and the name of the wood in German, English, Latin and African.
Underneath the photo is the Order No. (Art.Nr.) and the price. On the
right hand side you see a German description, the size and an orange box
with a short English description. If you need further information don't
hesitate to send us an E-Mail to

Low budget for children and adults.
Quality for the simple claim.

Very resonable priced drums for all age groups.
Entry level models in a solid quality.

Good quality for ensemble players.
Nice sound experience, easy to play.

Special masterpieces for beginners and advanced.
Powerful sound, easy to play.

Superior quality for enthusiasts and professionals.
Exceptional in sound, quality and design.

Highest precision for finest musical requirements.
Outstanding workmanship and individuality.
Sound descriptions or audio files
We gladly help you find your exactly matching favorite drum if you can explane what you expect. Our experience is that soundfiles on the internet can't possibly show the true sound range of a live Djembe. Therefore we prefer sound discriptions that we supply in German language on each individual Drum. However, we are prepared to make short recordings for you in individual cases, to give you an audio impression of your favored instrument :-) Please be aware of the fact that the natural drum sound is much fuller and more detailed than the audio file can reproduce it. Often the deep bass frequences and many of the high frequences can not be heard on ordinary computer loudspeakers. You can use quality earphones go get a closer impression, but despite all technique it never reaches the level of the natural drum sound. One other important point is that audio files don't show the sound differences of individual drums clear enough. We hope for your understanding.
The international Djembe market
Unfortunately there are no international standards for African Djembe drums. Our quality descriptions and definitions are largely copied by many dealers worldwide without truely reaching the same standard. For nonprofessionals the truth of the advertised quality is hard to determine. Not every so named professional is in reality one. Some of the many offered so called professional Djembe drums would not even be accepted for our Basic Class category. Important know-how and detailed instructions about Djembe drumming can be found in our German Djembe-Forum. Please don't hesitate to ask us for further information.